Posts tagged ‘christmas’

Four Top Soccer Presents For 2009

  1. The Perfect Kick!™ Soccer Ball: Learn how to “practice perfection” every time you kick a ball. Poor practice leads to life-long bad habits. The patented Perfect Kick! Ball gives you “color fusion” real-time training feedback so you quickly break bad habits and start making perfect kicks. Free online QuickStart Training Guide has instructions to help players perfect their push passes, backspin passes, inside spin kicks, and outside spin kicks.
  2. Triple-Target™ Cleat Socks: Learn how to strike the ball with the right part of your foot (Slip on these cleat socks and you’re suddenly aware of what part of the foot you’re using to strike the ball. Start with a simple push pass and you’ll be amazed by how many times you’re striking the ball with your heel or your toe  (why? you’re eye’s not on the ball or you’re lifting your head!), but a few sessions with the cleat sock on and you’ll start breaking these bad habits.
  3. Portable Net (6′): If you can afford it buy your favorite soccer player two of these. Why two? Because most players have a bad habit of shooting right at the goalie. Playing with one small portable net just strengthens this bad habit. How to break it? Place two 6′ (actually 6′ 6″) portable goals 12 feet apart. Make your goalie stand in the gap and your players shoot for the corners: soon they’ll be doing it in the games. Pop-up goals are best because they’re easy to carry so people don’t think twice about bringing them to play. But if your favorite soccer player plays in the street (or on a hard-surface where you can’t use pegs) the skip the pop-up and get this weighted goal.
    .Portable Soccer Goals
  4. Really Bend it Like Beckham” Training Video: Beckham was never the fastest player and never the best dribbler–he has always lived off his incredible skills. Learn how he developed them by watching this video (it turns out he’s a very good teacher).

Bend it Like Beckham Video

December 16, 2009 at 6:24 am Leave a comment

Top 3 Reasons to Practice with a
*** Perfect Kick!™ Ball *** ============================== 1. 33% of goals scored on set plays (corner kicks, free kicks, and penalty shots). If you can't make a Perfect Kick when you get the chance, you leave 1/3 of your goals on the field!

2. The US National Coach says even our best players have poor kicking technique and need to be retrained.

3. With the patented PerfectKick™ Ball players "practice perfection" every time they kick a ball, never developing bad habits that must be broken.
Watch VIDEO of "Color-Fusion" Real-time Training Feedback! ==============================