The PerfectKick™ Training Ball

August 25, 2008 at 4:54 pm Leave a comment

patent pending

Your Perfect Kick is Our Goal!™

How to make a perfect kick, every time? Easy, with the PerfectKick™ Training Ball there are 3 Steps to a Perfect Kick:

  1. Keep your eye on the PK! Target;
  2. Keep your head down; and
  3. Follow through properly.

If their form is correct,  player– and  coach– will see a pure color stripe as the PK!™ Ball flies away. If the technique is not correct, they will see a “Mixed Colors” Ball.

Using this real-time training feedback–and the free training videos and  QuickStart Training Guide— players  soon learn to adjust their kicks to get it right, every time!

Falling in Love With Practice™

Kids of all ages are immediately attracted to the PerfectKick™ Ball (and will choose it out of a crowd of other balls). They soon get caught up in the game of trying to make a Perfect Kick so they can see the patented ‘color fusion” pure color stripe.

Entry filed under: * The PerfectKick™ Advantage, Brand: Trademark, Logo, Mottos. Tags: , , .

PerfectKick™ Triple-Target Cleat Sleeves What is “Color Fusion”? This is Color Fusion!

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Top 3 Reasons to Practice with a
*** Perfect Kick!™ Ball *** ============================== 1. 33% of goals scored on set plays (corner kicks, free kicks, and penalty shots). If you can't make a Perfect Kick when you get the chance, you leave 1/3 of your goals on the field!

2. The US National Coach says even our best players have poor kicking technique and need to be retrained.

3. With the patented PerfectKick™ Ball players "practice perfection" every time they kick a ball, never developing bad habits that must be broken.
Watch VIDEO of "Color-Fusion" Real-time Training Feedback! ==============================